Watching Spencer Grow

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jumping back on the wagon...

Well, I think our leave of absence has been long enough. If you notice the moment Spencer was showing signs of walking, I've disappeared off the face of the earth, that's no coincidence.:) Spencer turned out to be far more active than I had ever imagined he would be. I love him, his daddy loves him, but the poor lady who has to stand next to me in line at the grocery store, correction, anywhere in the store, the family sitting in the pew in front of our family at church, the people sitting next to us at story time, just don't seem to have that same love for my lovely child. I'm sorry did I say "lovely?" I meant LOUD child! I feel sorry for him, I do, the poor boy catches a horrible disease that if he sits for more than 3 seconds in one place, he just might explode. Don't you just feel sorry for him? DON'T. Feel sorry for us instead.:) Well, its not all bad, he really is a sweet kid, and we love to watch him climb! If there is anything our little boy can do, it's to climb. That is why parks are our best friend! The park truly is the cure for Spencer's "horrible disease!" I am so grateful that we live in Texas and that its 80 degrees in November!So, to catch up I'll put some photos up of Spencer during Halloween and just the recent snap shots that we were able to capture of him doing his thing.


Audra Laney said...

Glad you're back!!! Spencer is seriously one of the cutest kids I've ever seen!

Samuel and Camille said...

Yay, love love the new pictures... Spencer is getting so so big!!! I will be in Dallas this weekend... I might stop by Coppell church!!!

Anonymous said...

Yah! I love that Spencer's shirt says Tonka!!!! He's so big! Glad your in a blogging mood so I can see pictures of Spencer!

Lissa said...

It's about stinkin time! I have missed updates on you guys and seeing Spen's cute little smiley face. He is TOO cute!

Unknown said...

Yea! You're back.
Spencer is SO stinking cute! And you don't look too bad yourself.