After extensive comparison, Baylor still came out on top, so we are officially going to Baylor this coming Fall. Woohoo. We're very excited and We know Joseph will do really well! We feel very blessed.:)
I've wanted to get Spencer a climber for a while, but they were expensive brand new. I couldn't find one on Craigslist that was any better of a deal "used" or had not been outside (I didn’t want it too dirty since it would be in his room for those rainy days when he can't go to the park) Well, we found a deal we just couldn't turn down, and even though it was an outside toy we thought it would be worth the trouble getting it ready for indoors, for a third of the price buying it brand new! Our Brother-in-law Lane let us borrow his truck to retrieve it. On they way back from picking it up, I got this brilliant idea that instead of washing each piece manually at home we should take it to one of those do-it-yourself car washes. We used the power spray and it got ALL the grime off the climber. It was a HUGE time saver. I felt pretty genius for thinking of it!:) It's as good as new. I took one good wipe down to disinfect it when we got home, and it was ready for the little “monkey” to climb. Our lives haven't been the same since. All he wants to do is climb it! When he was bored, he would beg me to let him watch a movie. Now, he takes random toys to the top of his fort and just plays for hours, yes you read that correctly HOURS. I love it! No more entertaining, no more tantrums over movies not being watched, no more whining boredom on rainy days! His cousins come over and play with him on it. It makes me smile from ear to ear, to know that his cousin Jake who is 4 yrs old thinks its awesome, that gives me hope that Spencer won't outgrow it in a month.:)
So, now that I’ve cured his boredom of being inside on those wet and cold last winter days, I just need to figure out what to do now that He’s decided to climb out of the crib! Ah, a mother’s mission is never complete!