I'm cute and I know it:)
Spencer absolutely loves bath time. It's not so fun for mommy and daddy though, trying to wash him is quite slippery and he doesn't enjoy the soap, he just wants to eat the water and stand up on the side of the tub. Above is a picture of him falling into our basket in our living room trying to reach a toy, once he got it he was stuck, so of course we had to take a picture with his bum in the air:) He is quite a mischievous little boy. He is pulling himself up on everything, standing and now letting go occasionally and standing alone. He is into EVERYTHING. I can't keep up. I have just had to come to realization that my rugs will always be turned up, the DVDs will always be pulled off the shelf and that the remote control will always be in Spencer's hiding place.:) Just more reasons to love him!